Trying to find a wedding gown with sleeves can be hard at the best of times. But on the sunny Gold Coast it was virtually impossible. I had searched and searched and searched for a gown. I didn't want anything too fancy. Just simple elegance.
I was getting married in Melbourne, in the winter, so it was going to be cold, and I wanted long sleeves. There is just no such thing as a long sleeved wedding dress.
During my adventures I went into a bridal shop. The attendant looked me up and down and said "Yes". I asked if he had any gowns with sleeves. His reply to me was "farm girls buy their wedding dresses from down the road". He proceded to give me a quick address and turned abruptly and walked away.
I wasn't quite insulted until I got to the shop he had directed me to an Op shop (or a thrift shop to all my US friends). How rude....
And pretty much to cut a long story short, that is how I got into fashion. I ended up designing my own Wedding gown and then had it made.
After that I quickly enrolled myself into a sewing course and thats where my fashion journey began. 6 years later and now I am making the wedding dress for an Australian Football Players fiance. Wow, I feel like I have come full circle.
I love the part in the movie Pretty Woman, where Julia Roberts as Vivian says-
Shop assistant: “Hello, can I help you?”
Vivian: “I was in here yesterday, you wouldn’t wait on me.”
Shop assistant: “Oh.”
Vivian: “You people work on commission, right?”
Shop assistant: “Yeah.”
Vivian: “Big mistake. Big. Huge. I have to go shopping now.”
I want to go and do that to the shop assistant that wouldn't wait on me... Although, inadvertently it was the best thing to happen to me....So maybe I should go Thank him!!!!
(Photography by Eliza Schwabe)